Information Technology Department

Information Technology Department

Ministry  Description
The Information Technology Department is in charge of planning and implementing the information technology needed for the other departments to carry on their gospel mission efficiently. The department maintains the computer networks, designs and develops the infrastructure needed by the Conference to support these functions. This department is equally the provider of technical support for the SunPlus Accounting Software used in our local conferences/fields and in our institutions. Including ACMS (Adventist Church Management Systems)

Ministry's Mission: Provision of IT solutions to support the gospel ministry.
Our Services:
Technology consulting
 - we will help your ministry by providing an objective perspective, experience and expertise to your technological challenges and business problems. 

Hardware/software support – Do you have a technology related question or problem? give us a call. If we can't answer it, we will direct you to where you can get an answers.

Our wish is that the South Nyanza Conference  Information Systems Department will be a resource for your ministry and that we can also fully engage and share together in future projects. Explore and communicate your ideas with us as we grow together